

Sucking her thumb 1979, originally uploaded by jessica_beagan.

So here's me in early 1979, around the same age as Annika is now. I think I see the resemblance. She definitely has Aaron's nose, but the rest looks pretty close . . .


Home Alone. Sort of.

Aaron's in LA. Annika's at my parents' house in Narragansett. I'm at the house with my niece and my mother-in-law. Everyone will be home tomorrow. But I have to admit I came home from work today and didn't know what to do with myself. And I got a little sad. I haven't been home without Annika since she came home from the hospital. And I miss her.

My mom said that Annika recognizes names and faces. Mom showed her my picture and she smiled and said "mama." Mom asked where is Coco, and Annika started to giggle. She asked where is Ichiban and Mojo, and Annika laughed harder. Then she started looking for them, and calling out. Mom said she was practicing other words like "mama" and "dada", especially for when Aaron comes home tomorrow.

Toby G. told us that we wouldn't miss going out, because our kid would be our favorite person to hang out with. And she was totally right.

Jon & Kate Plus 8 . . . like we didn't see this coming

So, they're getting divorced. I just looked back to see if I had posted on this before, and I was surprised not to find anything in the last year. I'm going to dig deeper. Why the archaeology? Because, darling, I've been calling this one (as have most people) for years now. Too much stress.

As for the show, it had jumped the shark. It's only interesting because of the marriage drama. Now, it has a chance. The Gosselins will be TVs first divorced couple with multiple multiples. Let's hope they can model a better divorce than they did a marriage.

Either way, I wish them the best.