La Salsera
I am so grateful to Jay for introducing me to the place and the event. I have really been jonesing for a Chicago-like night out: city, dancing, cultural diversity. Since I'm likely moving to Providence after the summer, it feels good to start to find the things that are going to continue to make my life here full and rich. Salsa in the city is a Chicago thing, a Venezuela thing, and those things are MY things. To bring them to Rhode Island now is another of the myriad threads being woven together, harmonizing those different pieces into a cohesive whole.
Rescued by Nikki at a creek by the side of the road. That's why we love Nikki. She takes care of things.
Plane & Rainbow
Out on S. Brewer Drive. The busy summer season idramatically increases air traffic through Bangor.
Jennifer inadvertently striking a supermodelish pose. She was stunning, wearing her grandmother's antique champagne-colored pearls and white orchids in her hair.
Waiting for the License
Jammie takes my picture as Jennifer and Brendan wait for the ceremony to begin. They forgot the marriage license and could not be married without it. So Adam went back and got it and we waited. Mr. Silverman was a charming host, and the lighthouse delightful.
I also come from a long line of devotees to the Virgin Mary: my grandmother, great grandmother, so on. My grandmother has a beautiful statue that had been her grandmother's. Years ago I started collected Virgin Mary icons in my travels. Since she is a ubiquitous figure in the Catholic world it's easy to find some really interesting interpretations. I told my grandmother about my collection, and she was surprised I had the same connection she did.
So she gave me the following Novena, and I wanted to share it here. The way it works is that if you have some issue that you want the Virgin's help or guidance on, you say this prayer three days in a row. After that you must publish it. Traditionally this would be done in the community newspaper, but since it's the 21st century I think the Virgin Mary is down with blogs. Here it is, just as it was published, but with a couple corrections for punctuation.
Prayer to the Blessed Virgin
(never known to fail)
O most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel,
Fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven,
Blessed Mother of the Son of God,
Immaculate Virgin,
Assist me in my necessity.
O star of the sea,
Help me and show me, heroine,
You are my mother.
O Holy Mary, Mother of God
Queen of Heaven and Earth,
I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart
To succor me in my necessity
(make request).
There are none that can withstand your power.
O Mary conceived without sin,
Pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands.
Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands.
Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands.
Say this prayer for three consecutive days. You must publish it and it will be granted to you. Grateful Thanks. JB
All the relatives have left and today he was calling people. The kids are doing okay. He's feeling angry at the world. Planning trips for the summer to keep them busy, spending time with friends and family. We're planning for a weekend at the beach here in August.
I keep seeing a picture of them in my mind, together, Matt and Amy. I took pictures at their wedding, and there's one of them dancing. Amy had a radiant smile. You would follow that smile anywhere. And in that picture, she's lighting up the whole frame with her smile.
It was 9 years ago this August, that wedding. I said to Matt it's hard to believe that much time has passed.
I don't have a lot of words tonight.
I'm hoping for rain, a good soaking rain, and a few minutes out in it: until my hair is wet and my skin is cool.
Gaspee Kitchen & Laundry
2007-06-13 Gaspee Kitchen Laundry & Happy Birthday Living Room 004, originally uploaded by jessica_beagan.
My handwashing getting some fresh air from the back door this afternoon. Tonight, the stove is on now to take the damp out of those clothes and the chill out of the air.
Living Room
2007-06-13 Gaspee Kitchen Laundry & Happy Birthday Living Room 032, originally uploaded by jessica_beagan.
The camera was sitting on my shoulder like a pirate's parrot.
Beagan & Beagan
Another in our Skype series, Amity shot this picture of Mike and me via webcam this afternoon. He stopped by between visiting job sites today while she and I were online.
The title of the picture is correct. I am happy. It's really good to be home.
On the infamous incident in which Ozzy bit the head off a live bat, and a major uproar ensued, he said "I didn't savor the fucking thing."
Brilliant. On sooooo many levels.
Gracias a Amity. I organized a handful of photos the other day for Crafted Spaces, and she pulled these 4 together. It's the image on the business cards, which ought to be here tomorrow.
Got the insurance to be a contractor, but I still need to register with the RI Contractors Board and the Secretary of State. Tap into the lead service, get website going. Open bank account.
Gotta bait the hook before we can cast the line.
I just want to get started.
Mike reminds me I've not even been home three weeks yet.
It helps.
Especially because my sense of time and proportion is a bit skewed right now.
I feel like things are moving too slowly.
However, I also know that if it's not EVEN been three weeks, and I've been doing as much as I've been doing, that things must be moving along at a proper clip.
And it's a matter of gaining some perspective.
Which is a process.
Amity called "Bullshit" on my previous post. And she's right. It was a cop-out.
So why don't I blog what's on my mind. Hmm. I have CTU grading to do. I'm not in the mood. I just got a drunk dial from Chicago. I didn't answer the phone. I'm not there anymore.
I'm about ready to go to bed. I spent the afternoon touring Newport with several of my family members. One of my aunts won the tour as part of a pledge drive for PBS. I adore that she donates to PBS. There were 12 of us in the van. I was related to 9 of them. I can't remember the last time I was in a vehicle with 9 people to whom I'm related by blood. I don't know if I ever have been before, as a matter of fact.
The tour was good, but the driver took too many liberties with the facts, and he SHOUTED instead of using the damned microphone. Seriously. And I was sitting right in front of him when he'd turn around to shout. Lucky for me I was sitting next to the window, so I could rest my elbow on the window, rest my head against my fist, and clandestinely stick my thumb in my ear to prevent the migraine I knew I'd get otherwise.
The upshot though is that I fell in LOOOOOVE with Newport. It's another one of those things I take for granted after having grown up here. The town was founded in 1639, barely 2 decades after the Puritans landed at Plymouth in 1620. The initial mission of the town, which promoted religious tolerance and freedom, lead to a colonial lifestyle in which everyone worked together for their mutual survival. On Farewell Street, with cemeteries on either side, Africans are buried across from Orthodox Jews (who have fences around their plots in observance of their religious custom of separate burial grounds from those of other faiths). Protestants of every denomination are there as well, going back to the earliest days.
So from entire neighborhoods of ACTUAL colonial homes (pre-Revolutionary and authentic) to Guilded Age "summer cottage" mansions, we toured the gamut. My grandfather pointed out the old YMCA building on Washington Square where he and my grandmother met nearly 60 years ago. It was a charming day.
After we got home I had the parents and the grandparents over for dinner. Cleaned up, potted some plants. Procrastinated.
I think that's probably part of the lame-o post. I hate myself for getting behind on grading, but I know why I do it and that almost makes it worse. The long and the short of it is burnout. I am burned out. But I have to keep going, because I need this right now.
I'll find it in me. I always do.
Finally, A Whiff of Common Sense
Check it out.
Solid Gold 70's Party Pix!
Neil, Mike, and Jay. The Rhode Islanders.
Me, Arik, and Pats.
Me, Pats, and Mike.
Patsy and me. Fabulous, darling.
Patsy and Edina. Absolutely Fabulous. :P
Mike, Trish, and Beth. The Boston beauties joined us at the beach this weekend for my birthday. The good times continued.
Neil and me dancing. I had no idea the kid could move!
Neil and Beth. Both are rather adorable.
Arik and me.
Mike and Arik.
Madonna and the Serpent
Painted in 1606, this image of the young Virgin Mary and Jesus as a boy together crushing the head of the serpent is an excellent example of tenebrism. Caravaggio was a master of using this technique of balancing light and darkness to create a dramatic focal point in his paintings. The elderly St. Anne, Mary's mother, looks on half in shadow while her daughter is in both brilliant light and almost-total darkness. Only the young Jesus is fully illuminated as his little foot boldly stands on his mother's as she concentrates on crushing the snake.
20 Years Ago Called.
Holy Moses! Between The Transformers movie set for release on July 4, and now the Thundercats movie, two of my favorite animated series from childhood have been made into major motion pictures. Here's hoping they don't suck and lead me to feel like two more pieces of my childhood have been co-opted in the name of capitalistic nostalgia. The preview for Transformers looks pretty good, so we'll see.
The Turret and the Boat
I always told my students to try a new angle, especially if they were stuck. I went out in pajama bottoms and a hoodie and i got soaked in the still-damp grass. This was shot while I was lying in the grass. The pizza guy arrived to deliver my small Moussaka style specialty pizza from Kingstown up the road at this moment, to find me lying in the grass under the boat with a camera.
The pizza was good. Almost worth this being my last shot for the night.
Under the Boat
Where the rubber meets the road. So to speak. These wheels serve as runners on the boat trailer to help guide the craft back onto the trailer and out of the water. Blue spots are scratches in the black paint under the boat.
Cox Communications
A piece of litter in the grass under the boat. There was a strong gale blowing yesterday.
The Boat
I love this seagull. The wear and the aesthetic indicate the boat is from the 80's. Here's Mike's boat, parked in my yard at Gaspee.
A Trail of Carpaccio Crumbs
I'm going to have to text Marwan to be my new Francesca's buddy
Patricia says:
I am jonesing for carpaccio again
Jessica says:
he'd love that
Jessica says:
in fact, do that
Patricia says:
I just didn't have him on this messenger
Patricia says:
it won't be the same
Jessica says:
aww. you guys will have fun
Jessica says:
you're both pretty fast with the carpaccio too. it's really cute
Patricia says:
raw beef slurpers
Jessica says:
and for that i love ye
Patricia says:
Jessica says:
mmm, you're making me crave carpaccio
Jessica says:
shit, i wonder if amalfi has it
Patricia says:
I'm pretty sure it's only found in the midwest
Jessica says:
no, it's italian. i'm pretty sure spain has it down here too
Patricia says:
Jessica says:
were you trying to lure me back with carpaccio?
Patricia says:
Jessica says:
i'm blogging that too
Patricia says:
Jessica says:
Guru Patsy
yoga will help that
Patricia says:
I hope the instructor is good
Jessica says:
that's what I hope. She is good
Jessica says:
it isn't hippy dippy new ageyness
Jessica says:
she keeps you VERY focused on the breath
Patricia says:
I like a little new ageyness!
Jessica says:
i like the music
Patricia says:
well that'll do it
Jessica says:
i don't like chanting in sanskrit
Patricia says:
never done it
Patricia says:
but I might dig it
Patricia says:
Jessica says:
between that and the athlete's foot I got from their mat, I didn't go back
Patricia says:
Jessica says:
yeah. so gross
Jessica says:
the place was in Barrington. the people there were the lobotomized new age type.
Jessica says:
like the oms, but being handed a card and being asked to pray felt wrong
Patricia says:
yeah, no thanks
Jessica says:
no one said, here's what we do, here's why we do it
Patricia says:
Cinde goes to crazy sun dances with the Sioux out west
Patricia says:
and she is tattooed
Jessica says:
that's awesome
Patricia says:
definitely not the goofy new age type
Jessica says:
i like a little new age myself, but within reason
Patricia says:
Jessica says:
i want a good workout that is ergonomically correct. I do not want to appropriate cultural practices totally out of context
Patricia says:
btw I only want to appropriate them slightly out of context
Patricia says:
bwah ha ha
Patricia says:
Jessica says:
well, it is slightly out of context. I like to think of yoga as a Western workout routine that is inspired by ancient Sanskrit whatever. It feels amazing and is great for my health. Beyond that, if I'm going to appropriate something I want to know what it means.
Patricia says:
I agree
Patricia says:
the physicality translates, but the religion part doesn't need to
Jessica says:
definitely. I feel like a got a deep tissue massage in all of my deep tissues
Patricia says:
it balances my moods, definitely, which feels spiritual'
Patricia says:
Patricia says:
that is key
Jessica says:
i was a dork last night
Patricia says:
Jessica says:
Poor Amity. She was just a little dark raincloud
Patricia says:
she needs a yoga class
Jessica says:
that's what I said
Jessica says:
She's heading to the tropics instead
Patricia says:
that might also do it
Jessica says:
i'd concur
No Personality
Enter into evidence Exhibit A, or what I found in the water dish when I got home. Rococo likes to play with water, leftover in the shower and sink or her actual waterdish. She has a tendency to want to play with her favorite toys in the water, so often times the foamy soccer balls or the suede tassels (on a very long stick) will have been dropped in the water dish. The balls actually float so those are super fun I guess.
The new favorite toy is a plush mouse that you can stuff with catnip. The girls love them. And I found one of them in the water dish. The catnip had leached out and created a close cousin to bongwater, and the stupid mouse was totally waterlogged. After a day and a half of waiting for it to dry, I busted out my hair dryer this morning and fluffed the mouse back up. He's ready to go again.
I tell this story because though it first startled then kind of annoyed me, finding that stupid drowned toy made me smile. I knew immediately Rococo had been playing and got all carried away, and that the cats had been drinking catnip tea for quite a while by the time I got home.
And that night, when I went to bed, I fell asleep listening to Mojo snoring (yes, actually snoring) on the pillow next to mine.
Child of the Universe
Mike came down to visit last night and we discussed the next step in getting some work going together. I can't wait to get started. This morning I did live chats and cleaned the kitchen. Today is a CTU day, tomorrow will be more yoga, work with the folks, a design meeting for the new house at Gaspee in the evening. So tonight I think I'll nest a bit, clean and put things away. I wasn't home all weekend and had messes from Memorial Day still hanging around.
What I am detecting, now that I'm feeling all aligned and shit, is that my old mantra in times of doubt, "The Universe is Opening Up", is actually coming to pass. I feel balanced. Things are not without their challenges here in my new old life, make no mistake. But it really is all good. I am where I am meant to be.
Of course, wherever I am is where I am meant to be, at any given time.
Ok, I'll stop.