
Penguin in Wet Suit

It's been all over the web, but I think I first saw Pierre on MSN. When he started to go bald last year, Pierre's handlers had him fitted with a wet suit so he could continue to swim. Because he was missing the feathers he needs to keep him warm, Pierre was not participating with the other penguins and began to lose his place in the community. So here he is in his custom-fitted wet suit. Pierre immediately started swimming again, and before long his feathers grew back.

I'm not usually one for cute animal stories, but something about Pierre's pose in this picture is to me downright fashion forward. Look how happy he looks in his little vest! Pierre here represents everything fashion should be: it makes us feel good about ourselves, and it might even help us to grow back some feathers when we're feeling a bit faded.

Thank God my husband-to-be understands this. Not only is he a fan of expensive custom-made dress shirts, but he also realized how big a hit my self-esteem was taking when I could no longer find anything in my closet that even fitted me, much less flattered my ever more-pregnant proportions. He's been totally supportive of my shopping excursions for maternity clothes, and for that I'm grateful. I no longer want to cry when I open the closet, and that's a much better way to start the day.

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