
Wary of the Invisible

Aaron picked up on something I said that sounded like "wary of the invisible", then used it his mood on MySpace. I thought it was a good line. I asked him if it came from the faulty carbon monoxide alarm we discovered this morning. The light had turned red and switched to "move to fresh air." Had we been slowly poisoned by an odorless, colorless gas? I did just fire up the oil furnace last week.

We opened a couple windows and I stopped to pick up a new CO detector this morning before my doctor's appointment. It's plugged in now and working fine. No CO in the house.

I also had on in the background the "Haunting" dramalogues on TLC this afternoon while I worked from the sofa. It's daytime TV, therefore full of baby commercials. Ah, welcome to a new demographic, Mrs. Archer.

Schlocky though they are, I kind of like those "Haunting" stories. Talk about wary of the invisible. Ironically, even the baby commercials are about the invisible -- my very squirmy full-term baby daughter. I know she's there, I can't ignore her. And I can't see her, other than in small quakes rippling in my prominent belly.

And yes, I'm a little wary of that invisible too. I'm ready for her to get here. I don't know what to expect once she does. I'm not sure exactly when she'll arrive, or how challenging it's going to be. All I know is that it's coming. I'm getting things done/keeping busy/resting until I get a better idea of exactly when, unmistakably, that one invisible will show up.

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