

All it takes is a reminder, like from a comment, that someone is out there. Hi Carlita. I've missed you. And I've said a million times that I need to get in touch with you. But then tonight you reminded me that in our way, we are in touch.

Amity tagged Carlita with some blog-related questions last year, and Carlita linked to it today to answer why she blogs:

Did your blog positively affect your mind? Give an example.
Here’s why I started blogging: When I was In college it was easy to be connected to my friends. I could just walk down the hall to somebody’s room and we would share the details of our day. Now that we are all far away from each other it’s hard to stay in touch. I hate talking on the phone, and when I do talk to people on the phone, it’s hard to know where to start when you haven’t spoken to each other for six months. So I decided that blogging would be my virtual way of walking down the hall and telling people about my day. I wish more of my friends did it, because I really enjoy reading about what everyone is up to.

I'm one of those people who used to walk down the hall to sit and chat with Carlita. How I loved that, and miss it now.

I think of you. I mentioned the two of you just today, in my Art Appreciation class. I do a unit on Pompeii each term, and I always mention your unfortunate spill on those slippery basalt pavers.

But I'm bad about reading blogs, and bad about commenting on them. So I'm going to get better about it.

And I'm going to come and visit soon. Did you hear I'm home again? It's time for me to reclaim the parts of home that are long-lost and far-flung. Including you and CSB. :)

1 comment:

Carlita said...

This is so sweet, Beagan. I would love it if you came to visit me. I want to come see you in Providence, too. The winters are long on this damn island, and I get itchy to get out of town.