
Other People's Pixels

Thank you, Ms. Chrystal!

Tonight she popped up on IM and told me about OPP: www.otherpeoplespixels.com. I am HOOKED! I finally got my website up and running, EXACTLY the way I want it to look. OPP is designed specifically for artists to create online galleries using various templates. I have been avoiding the creation of my own photography website because I couldn't bear the task of trying to figure out how to make it work. OPP has done that for me.

To check out the early draft, click here.

I'm working on getting the domain name www.jessicabeagan.com attached to the site, and there will be a new email address as well. I'll post more once the site is complete.

1 comment:

Chrystal Wakeham said...

AWESOME! I'm so glad you liked it! I'm working on getting it going as well. Seems like a nice, easy, simple way to get shit GOING! Have fun!