2008-06-14 UI Museum of Art Under Water, photo credit Brian Ray, The Gazette, originally uploaded by jessica_beagan.
Iowa City has been on my mind this week. The city is bracing for the Iowa River to crest some time early next week. In 1993 there was "100 year flood", meaning it was the worst in 100 years. Well, just 15 years later, residents are facing a "500 year flood".
Don't believe in global warming yet? WAKE UP!
I wish I could be there to see it for myself. I'm pretty sure my little white house on Center Avenue, next to Ralston Creek, is underwater. At least that's what it looked like on the flood plain map I saw online. A sudden heavy summer rain could kick up that creek from a quiet trickle to a roaring rapid. Once when we lived there, the corner of Center and Rundell ended up under water up to and over the curbs. I know the basement is flooded at least, if not worse.
I also read online that the UI Facilities crew has abandoned the Arts Campus, having moved everything they could to higher ground. My old studio and the darkrooms in the old Arts Building East are certainly under water right now. My MFA show was held in this museum.
I've never seen flooding in a place where I've lived before. Even though I left five years ago, it's nothing short of devastating.
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