

Did you know that bridal shops have a no-photography policy? I didn't. You'll notice that that didn't stop Jennifer and me. She and Brendan got engaged at the Pyramid of the Moon in Mexico City back in December, so one day last month she and I met the CEC crew for lunch at Francesca's, then headed over to a nearby bridal shop to try on pictures.

Can I just say, I had no idea playing dress-up could be so much fun. We laughed our asses off. Every time I snapped a picture, I would fake a cough or sneeze to mask the pseudo-shutter noise of the RAZR phone.

At any rate, Jennifer really liked this dress, whereas I realized I cannot get away with either strapless or a Madonna-esque, "Like a Virgin" veil. Jen did like this dress though, but now that they've decided on a June wedding in MAINE she may go in another direction. Either way, it was a riot, and it's good to have her home again now that she's done with her Master's in Oklahoma. I missed her.

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