
I'm a Free Woman!

And no, I don't mean free as in gratis, I mean free as in no longer in any legal trouble. That's right. Loyal readers will recall that I back in August, and October, AND December, I got pulled over for speeding. And was ticketed. All three times. Yikes. Spare me any lectures, by the way. I get it. Some lessons need several iterations, but trust me, I get it. Read on.

First time, I did traffic school for four mind-numbing hours online. Second time, a court date for which I never received notice. The judge ruled an ex parte conviction and I paid $150 online. I think it was a conviction. Which may NOT be a good thing but who the fuck knows?

Today was my final ticket travail, a court appearance because I was pulled over for allegedly speeding in an alleged construction zone. Whatever. I decided at the absolute last minute to hire a lawyer, which turned out to be a good thing, cost notwithstanding. We were in and out of there in less than ten minutes, and I did NOT get a conviction. I did get a honkin' fine though. Take my word for it. Several hundred dollars.

If you happen to ride with me any time soon, you will see a post-it note on the dashboard with a dollar amount on it. It's the total amount I have spent on fines and tickets and other speeding-related costs in the past 6 months. I figure that ought to help remind me to slow down.

Now that it's over, it's a relief. I didn't realize the little Eeyore raincloud that's been following me around about this. I've been to court with my dad for his clients a bunch of times, but not ever because I was in trouble before today. I didn't like it.

So yeah. Now it's over. And I'm gonna behave. For real.

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