
On Capt O.P. Honors being relieved of command of the USS Enterprise

Here's my thing. No one who has had a job in the US in the last 30 years, military or civilian, can ignore the endless diversity training sessions in which it's been made abundantly clear that Honors' behavior on those videos isn't appropriate in the workplace. Or did the rules not apply to him?

And as for it being "funny", this is a country in which "Two and a Half Men" is the most popular comedy on TV. (At what point is it insulting for the "half a man" to still be classified as such? Don't get me started on dubious question of Charlie Sheen as sex symbol. Barf.) Either way, it's full of similar "humor" such as that of Owen Honors. Our standards for "funny" are clearly subjective at best. But we weren't paying Honors to be funny. We were paying him to be the XO of that ship. And he was fired, as any other leader should be for such a profound lack of good judgement.

Honors arrogantly tells his audience, "You will be offended." He knew what he was doing was wrong, and he took pains to protect his immediate supervisors as further proof. But he decided it was more important to be "funny" than to follow the rules. It also shows a subversive disregard for the changes in the culture around him. This type of leadership is no longer welcome in our culture. Captain Honors (and those of his ilk) should be relieved of their duties, and will not be missed.


Anonymous said...

You have no room to say that his only was to be funny u don't know the man never shook his hand. Do you know what it is like to be out to sea in Persian gulf? it's literally he'll and working seven days a week for more then twelve hours a day just to wake up and do it all again. That's right you don't! having served under him as xo and co as of yesterday. The media cut and edited the tapes to give him a bad image they don't tell you the reasons why the clips were made or the lesson he gives after the skit. It's something to boost morale because we all see are higher ups as role models and to this day he is still the role models of the crew. Don't post a stupid blog about a great man till u know the full picture and are currently serving thank u

Anonymous said...

He/ she is right u don't know what it's like to be out there it literally plays tricks on your mind and after the day ends we all need to unwind. And capatin op honors knew when to be serious and when to let go after months at sea. He isn't all fun and games numerous sailors have been kicked out of his command for doing stupid crap

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, my taxes paid for his training & upkeep. His behavior is not within what I, or the US Navy, deemed appropriate for a man in his role. Period.

Jessica Beagan Archer said...

Response: I think what happened to Capt. Honors is a tragedy. He was clearly beloved by many, if not most in his command. The American people have invested a huge amount of time and money in his career, and he's given 27 years of notable service. He's highly trained, skilled and experienced, and is not being used where we could really use him right now. Nobody wins here.

So HOW does this happen? I criticize him only because I expect a man of his stature to have known better. To have been taught better. Maybe you can tell me? I've sat through COUNTLESS training sessions over the years, cautioning against exactly what Capt. Honors did. Does the military just not have the same curriculum about sexual harassment as the civilian world?

You must understand that however good his intentions, he abused his power and created what looks to civilians a textbook "hostile work environment" --- in what was already the most hostile work environment on earth! How can one complain without being insubordinate? When you're called "gutless" for not having the courage to stand up, it leads to no one standing up. Until now.

War is hell you say, and I'm not going to argue. But there must be other ways to unwind and boost morale that aren't illegal and offensive.

And you must understand that on the outside, this is shocking to us! There's clearly 2 different cultures coming to a head with this issue. For many like me, it's about the kind of environment the majority of Americans wish to create in their workplaces, and have been fighting to create for 30 years. Those of you risking your lives for this country deserve that same protection too.


PS. In response to the 2nd comment: If Capt. Honors kicked out sailors for "doing stupid crap", then it's fitting the same punishment falls to him?