
Back from Hiatus

Though not pre-meditated, I've found myself not having blogged in 2 weeks. Spring has arrived, completely arrived, here in Chicago, so I now find myself lounging in the hammock during rare free moments. I've also taken up tanning, as in using the tanning beds at the clubhouse at my apartment complex. After playing it very safe without any appreciable results, I managed to finally overdo it today. My ass is totally pink, as is my back in a few long streaky patches. I'm looking forward to watching the burn evolve.

The other distraction is the imminent end of my teaching responsibilities at RMC. Two more weeks! So, now that it's winding down, there's plenty to do. Though I've enjoyed it, and as always I have learned so much from my students, I am officially ready to have a little more time. I'll be off next term, and it's yet to be determined if they need me/I can handle doing it again come July. The extra money has been great, as has the additional experience for the resume. But the time will be priceless.

Oh, and there's that little thing I mentioned last time, the online dating thing. It's going well. I recommend it highly. And I'm not saying any more about it ;)

So yeah, I'll be trying to make more time for this. But only between dates, and if I can get my variegated pink ass out of the hammock.


Anonymous said...

Why did you stop posting??? Come back...

Amity said...

I second that!