
The World Loves a Pregnant Woman

At 29 weeks, I'm looking rather pregnant these days. In the past several weeks, I've moved into the realm of the obviously pregnant and away from the maybe-she-just-had-a-large-meal look of the early days.

Of course, I've had the last 5 months to get used to my state, so it came as a surprise when people started to react to me as a pregnant woman. I remember very clearly the first day when it hit me, which was June 27, the day of the double closings, the move, and the escaped cat debacle. I went to Petco that evening and a salesgirl literally yanked a 21-pound box of cat litter out of my hands and carried it to the front for me. Immediately afterward, at Whole Foods, a bagger insisted on carrying my groceries out for me, and seemed incredulous when I declined.

The kindness and goodwill has only increased along with my girth. People fall over themselves to hold doors for me. They comment on my pregnancy, ask how I'm feeling, and smile a lot. Some can't resist the urge to pat my belly, then seem a little sheepish for having done so.

For my part, I don't mind if people touch the Buddha. Typically independent to the point of being to my own detriment, I'm alright with people diving in front of the closing elevator or hauling my groceries. More than anything, I'm grateful for the repeated demonstrations of humanity that my pregnancy has engendered. I only wish that that were the rule, rather than the exception.

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