

I get on kicks with things. When I'm doing something, I'm all in it. But then I'll leave it off. Photography is one of those things. It's easy to leave it off, but when I get into it, I find myself getting immersed.

Such was the case this afternoon. I uploaded several photos from my phone to both Flickr and this blog, all in one shot. I also took some pictures of Annika with her mohawk, of the house (film AND digital), and of the neighborhood from out the living room windows.

I find that having Annika prompts me to take more photos. She's growing and changing so much, and people are always asking to see recent photos. So perhaps this is where I'll find some discipline.

It was fun shooting with my old film camera today, and a rickety 70-300 mm lens. I have a frightening amount of expired film in my basement, waiting for me to do something with it. And a whole Hasselblad camera rig with which I've done nothing. . . .

1 comment:

Chrystal Wakeham said...

An unused Hasselblad? Shame on you...;)