
We Can't Get There Fast Enough

Now the impatience is setting in.

AK found a quote somewhere that says "Impatience is a form of unbelief." But seriously, at this point, the only source of unbelief is that I have so much friggin' waiting to do.

It's still five months until I leave my job.

I'm going away for the weekend in 75 hours, and I swear that around 2 pm today, time officially slowed by half.

It's been years of navel-gazing, self-discipline, and introspection. I WORK every single day to remember, to remind myself to live in the moment. The divine Miss Kate, my alpha, my mentor and sage during the lost days, she taught me this. Aqui y ahora, it's the first thing I learned in Venezuela. The best mantra I could ask for.

But tonight, it's 7 degrees Fahrenheit in Chicago, there is nothing on TV but crappy reality shows, and I want to get the hell going. There are stinky dishes in the sink, and the closet looks like it vomited shoes halfway across the bedroom.

There is so much waiting for me just a little south of here, in a few days, in a few months. Aqui, invierno, soledad. Ahora, espero.

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