
Dispatch from Chicago

The pirated internet access here in my condo has been spotty at best, but I'm online now (miraculously) and wanted to post a quick note from Chicagoland. The packing is coming along, and I've been able to schedule time with just about everyone I want to see while I'm here.

To be honest, it's been hard to be back. I didn't want to leave Providence, and didn't really think about it until I had to leave last Thursday morning. But then I got "home" to my condo after being gone for four months, and after about 10 minutes of readjusting, I was actually home again. And didn't want to leave. As the time passes though, I'm getting more pragmatic about it. I chose this. I love this place, I'm still very connected to it, and it's hard to be back around everything and everyone I left behind here. BUT at the same time, I didn't think about it, and didn't miss it at all when I was in RI. Rather than wonder if there is something wrong with me, I've decided that I am simply at home wherever I go. And like Bridget says, (since she shares my Chicago/RI predicament herself, but between Chicago and NYC), this is a good problem to have. If I want to have a life in both places, I am free to do so.

In other news, I found a tenant! He takes possession of the condo on Friday, which is the day the SAM gets picked up and begins the trip East with all my stuff inside. Kate and I will head to Iowa City that morning for a quick overnight trip, during which my mission will be to make contact with someone who can help me get going on my final project for the UI Center for the Book. All I have left is the Final Project, and I know now, finally, what I want to do. Four years later is better than never I guess.

So it's all going well. I had a weekend adventure with some friends in Wisconsin, involving a terrific show by the San Diego band Cash'd Out, a Johnny Cash tribute band, and a late night of drinking after the show with a couple of the guys from the band. I actually ran into them at the Alamo rental car office at O'Hare on Thursday and after chatting with them decided to take in their show. I spent many years "with the band" in various former lives, and it was great to hang out with some very funny, smart, and talented folks as they rocked the Oneida Nation. I'm looking forward to their East Coast tour, dates tbd. If you happen to have a chance to catch them, I definitely recommend it.

Alright, back to packing. *sigh*

Honestly, packing is fine. Carrying the boxes is what sucks. I think there will be the purchase of a hand truck in my very near future.

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