

I'm thinking tonight about Spanish, and how in Spanish, the word for "business" is "negocio". The word "negocio" is a cognate for "negotiate" in English. Because right now, business is all about negotiation.

First, the details of a day, a week, or more. I love nothing more than juggling a busy schedule, but my consciousness is shifting toward longer range plans. The fall travel schedule. Holidays. Business. A month, three months, a year. Five years. Ten.

And there's been the business of moving back home as well. Any time one makes a major change, there is a period during which it all just has to settle down. The way it settles is part of the negotiation. When proximity changes, relationships change. In my case, a lot of old ones are new again, and that's alot of negotiating.

Maybe it's even moreso in this case, as opposed to if there were only all new ones. Like when you move to a new place and don't know people. You can be anyone to someone when there's a clean slate. Otherwise, who you were is trying to negotiate who you are now, vis-a-vis your ideas of who the other person was and the reality of who they are today.

On top of all that, my new business is about to start construction on its first job, the cabana remodeling. Egos and schedules are all in flux, and settling out the details is all part of the negotiations as well.

Pats arrives tomorrow, and I need me some Patsy time. Mike's out of town at Trisha's brother's wedding, so the timing works for a girls' weekend at the beach. I still have to balance downtime with the job starting and the term ending at CTU.

Somehow it's all working out, and it feels good.

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