
Inspi(red) in 2008

I'm home doing laundry and getting ready for the week/year today, and I washed my (red) shirt, from the Gap. I love the (red) campaign, and I bought the "inspi(red)" shirt last year. Anyway, it made me think about how I've been wanting to gather up inspiration for the work I want to do in the New Year.

So I went through some papers and some files, put things away and gathered new things near. Here's a list of subjects/projects:

*Polaroid Transfers
*Designing with Light and Paper (a course I took in grad school)
*Sketching. (I'm going to learn, in a sketchbook I've been carrying around since I graduated college in 1999.)
*The Business of being a Visual Artist.
*Some old Black & White Polapan film and a vintage Polaroid Land camera I bought for $1 at Goodwill in Iowa City in 2001

And I think I know what's going to come of it.

I also found the Holga and a whole bunch of B&W 120 film, and some 35mm B&W too. I might bust out the Lomo and use those two cameras for a piece.

And I want to find the Polaroid I-Zone, since there's a little bumper crop of film for it downstairs as well. That thing drains batteries, due to a loose on/off switch that is easily jostled to "on", where it tends to stay. But the I-zone takes fun tiny pix with some sometimes suprising colors and results. I regret not having bought the I-zone SCANNER that taunted me from the clearance rack at Walmart when I was in grad school and trying to be frugal. There's no real need for the scanner, except that the geek in me would find it cool to have it. I'm going to try to avoid the temptation to look for it on eBay.

So that's some of what's around today. I'm going back to Iowa more and more, integrating what I learned there and applying it to new ideas. It's coming together and I truly feel inspi(red). I have ideas, and energy, and work to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.