
Crooked Mouldings

Random List of Ways I’ve Gone a Little Crazy with the Hormones: Part 3

I kid you not, and you can ask Aaron about this since he was there, the mouldings on the windows made me nauseous one night during the first trimester.

Most people talk about morning sickness being associated with pregnancy, but I had it worse as soon as I’d lay down at night. Sometimes I’d feel it in the morning, but waking up always makes me feel ill, knocked-up or not.

One evening Aaron and I lay down on his bed, but for some reason we were at the opposite end, so our heads were where our feet would normally be. We weren’t sleeping, just laying there talking. That’s when I noticed the mouldings.

There are three windows in a curved shape at the front of the bedroom, with a soffit over them. The soffit hangs lower than the height of the mouldings around the top of the windows, so the contractors chopped them down. The result is that the top mouldings were cropped, compared to the ones along the sides.

I stared at those windows a little too long, and sure enough, the damned mouldings really began to bother me. Why didn’t they account for that when the built the place? Before long, the room was spinning like I’d hit the bottom of a bottle of Monkey Bay Pinot Grigio. I needed to get up, crawl to the head of the bed, and squeeze my eyes shut until the nausea passed.

In truth, the nausea never passed with night sickness. I usually just feel asleep.

1 comment:

Carlita said...

Oh, my God! Leave it to you to be the only pregnant woman in the history of the world to be nauseated by BAD DESIGN!

As a carpenter's daughter, I can relate.

Glad to hear you're feeling better.