
ABC Africa

I found this while searching for images for a poster presentation I have to give tomorrow.
The presentation is based on "Popular Media in Adult Education." I have two categories, formal and non-formal. The idea behind the research is that in the 21st century, popular media is a powerful pedagogical tool in formal classroom settings as well as in our everyday lives.
In the formal category I will present about this film, ABC Africa. I showed this to a group of students, and out of it grew the fundraiser for UWESO, the NGO featured in this film. Seeing the film spurred my students and me to get involved in some small way. We learned about Uganda, about the AIDS crisis there, and made a connection to people halfway around the world. By using the documentary in the classroom, I feel that I was able to bring home the situation better to my students than perhaps would have been possible otherwise.

At any rate, the film is worth seeing. It's poetic, quiet, and moving in its simplicity.

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