
Things to do today

Amity called at 7:15 am, all flouncy-bouncy-trouncy-pouncy, and hauled my ass out of bed. We get online together, as we've done for what feels like always, and get productive. It takes me a while to get my motor warmed up in the morning though. I hate mornings. A cookie and a glass of milk later, I'm starting to wake up.

I am consummately ready to be done with this semester, finally, and finally get HUM 130's prep ironed out for the winter quarter at RMC. THEN I can really begin excavating that grad school photo work, which will be housed at http://jessicabeagan.livejournal.com.

But first, in no particular order, I must dispense with a few tasks today:
--- OCC final grades
--- CLC final grades
--- CTU live chats, 9-11 am
--- CTU grading
--- Email, personal and school
--- ETR 520's remaining problem sheets
--- Prep for HUM 130
--- Wash dishes
--- Buy cat food
--- Stop at the dairy
--- Do laundry
--- Apply a coat of clear polish to my nails
--- Call my aunt
--- Meet with OCC supervisor at 5:30 pm

Ok, time for a second cookie, another splash of milk, and I'm good to go. Once this is done, I can be actually BE a teacher (and on a much-reduced scale than I have been this past semester). I will finally have some time to devote to photography, AND I might even get to do some reading. For FUN!

Imagine that.

But first, the list!

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