
The Metaphysics of Blogging

In honor of my 200th post, I give you the following conversation with my friend Chrystal, recorded tonight via IM.:

Jessica says:
i've made my blogger more personal and less PERSONAL since when I started
Jessica says:
it was an online diary during an odd time in my life
Jessica says:
someone is going to want to go deep to find that shit out. But from there, I've thrown a lot of photo work in and more "public" personal stuff
Splash says:
lol...my old ones were as well and I just started a new one
Jessica says:
I get how public the internet is now. I didn't before. That's what I meant about that balance between "PERSONAL" and public-personal
Splash says:
I like that about blogger...that you can create multiple blogs independent of each other
Splash says:
oh it's very public and everything can be used at will too
Jessica says:
it is a good feature. My attention span is only so good . I"m a one-blog kind of gal
Jessica says:
i never got that
Splash says:
I make sure to google myself every few weeks to see if my blogs pop up so I can keep them from being found by employers etc
Jessica says:
i don't like to google myself. It freaks me out
Splash says:
I mean I don't care if they find them but the more difficult I make it the better
Splash says:
Jessica says:
it feels like i'm dead
Jessica says:
you know?
Splash says:
As for multiple blogs, I just do one at a time but the old ones get outdated and I stop using them and just make a new one that I actually keep up with.
Splash says:
and yes..it's like you are dead...
Splash says:
I just have a lot of lacrosse and high school stuff so it's not bad
Jessica says:
i also feel like I'm controlling my name: "jessicabeagan.blogspot"
Splash says:
lol..I love it.
Jessica says:
like what i put there represents "me"

1 comment:

Chrystal Wakeham said...

Oh blogging...how I love thee....and now I am tied to you through your blog forever....MWWWAAHHHHAAAAAA