
Release the Hounds?

Or get a BB Gun?
Dress up like a Swan?

I'm going to effen KILL these Geese. Honestly, I love all of God's creatures, but I'm losing my mind. Talking to Amity earlier on Skype and she asked me if there were chickens outside. Nope, just the pterydactyl-like cawing of those birds.

I've lived in houses with ants, roaches, fleas, and houseflies. Nothing comes close to the nuisance these geese cause.

I feel like a bad person for being so intolerant, but I cannot overemphasize how hard it is to live with these birds fighting and flapping and honking at all hours of the day and night. I've been stuck inside this closed apartment with two cats for months just DYING to open the windows and breathe fresh air and feel some sunlight and warmth and it's just ruined. Even with the windows closed I can still hear them.

We're supposed to have swans, dogs, something to scare off the geese. It's only been a few days since their return, but it's a long way until November when they finally move out again. And I'd like to see the birds relocate before they begin to nest, even though that's a couple months away.

I don't deny these creatures the right to live, and I realize that humans and development are encroaching upon their habitats. It's a difficult balance to strike.

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