
Holiday Hiatus

Holiday Greetings! You may have noticed I've been away from the bloggery the past few days, during the Christmas holidays. I'm back in Rhode Island with my family, taking a much-needed break from my day-to-day.

I will post intermittently between now and January 4, when I return to Chicago. In the meantime, I am working on a photo project at the Gaspee House, documenting it before it is torn down in Spring 2007 to make way for my parents' new house. I will upload pix as I am able to do so.

This holiday hiatus also allows me some time to head back to Maine and visit with friends and dear ones for New Year's. As I will be with Amity most of the time, I look forward to a few days of creativity immersion. The results will be flickr'd n' blogg'd, claro :)

At any rate, holiday love and cheer to all of you out there. See you soon!

1 comment:

Amity said...
