

I don't normally rejoice in the passing away of most human beings, but Jerry Falwell was NOT a human being. The son of a bitch died yesterday at 73 and finally got to hear from the good Lord himself that the Reverend's lifetime of hatred and bigotry in the name of "Christianity" was, in fact, WRONG.

The Morning Fix on Q101 played a satirical song this morning, set to the Village People's "YMCA", in which Falwell arrives in Heaven to find a gay St. Peter and a raging discotheque beyond the Pearly Gates. If Heaven is in fact a gay discotheque, I'm even MORE excited about getting there.

The idea though remains the same. If you ARE in fact a Christian, you know that Jesus loved everyone. EVERYONE. I have to believe that hatemongers like Falwell, who SOMEHOW gather a following, must pay a penance for the wrongs they have committed in the name of God.

Seven-three years of anti-Christian Christianity did plenty of damage, but that's over. Eternity for Falwell began yesterday, and that discotheque is open all night long.

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