
My apologies to the good "Professor"

In the posting "Auto da Fe" a few days ago, I alluded to "the second season" of "Father Ted," an Irish sitcom I watched again recently. One "Professor J. Grubelsnatch" of the UK commented on the posting and chastised me for not calling it "the second series" as is the British custom.

My apologies. While I do recognize that the terminology is different on either side of the Atlantic, I did not wish to confuse my largely (term used relatively) American audience. To the both of them, "series" means the entire length of a program, and not the individual years which are instead called "seasons."

But if I am correct as to the individual's true identity, Professor Grubelsnatch is well-versed in teasing me about my Yankee-isms, I must confess I appreciate the close reading.

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