
First Prospective Buyers!

It was planned yesterday but not confirmed until 1pm today that I had in fact found someone who was coming to see my condo at 5pm tonight. I pulled out a couple closets last night and had a mess on my hands here when I got up this morning, but I still managed to grade assignments at CTU and clean this place like the devil was chasin' me.

The only thing I didn't get to do was vacuum. I barely managed a MUCH needed shower. But the litter box was clean, the candle burning, the garbage out. The rooms were as clear as possible and tidy. The young couple and her little sister arrived and I showed them around.

The story goes tonight that she loves the place, but I think he needs convincing. They also have to figure out financing, so we agreed to touch base by Thursday.

And now, my house is clean (other than needing a vacuuming). And I LIKE it like this. Unfortunately it won't last long, but I will try. If nothing else other people will be coming to see it if this deal doesn't work out. But I feel optimistic. Home is about finding a place that clicks for you. I think my prospective buyer feels good about this condo. Of course, that is the part now that is out of my hands.

So I remain optimistic. Another decision by Thursday, and a house to not destroy between now and then. Maybe school will be easier this week with less clutter? That would be nice. I'll let you know.

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