

Child.jpg, originally uploaded by jessica_beagan.

Taken at the Vatican in early 2003, this photo is from an enormous stained glass window, which is what gives the image such a luminous quality. The light coming in from outside just glowed.

I also post this at Amity's suggestion after I told her about an incredibly vivid dream I had last night, in which I gave birth to a little girl. I have never had a dream in which I was even a parent, much less actually physically delivering a baby. It was intense, completely without pain, and followed by the most perfect serenity as I felt myself bonding with the child in her first moments of life.

Before anyone gets nervous, there is completely no chance of me being pregnant right now, so settle down. There would also be a pharmaceutical company getting SUED were that the case. Amity suggested that the dream signified the start of a creative endeavor, which is possible.

But what stands out to me the most from the dream was the feeling of connectedness I had with this baby, this other person. It is noteworthy that I was in the middle of teaching a class when I had to leave to deliver the baby, and as soon as she was born I took her and went right back to my students, who appreciated my dedication but insisted that I go home. In the next scene, I was in a restaurant with my parents, who refused to speak to one another or even sit at the same table, so I had to keep running back and forth between them.

So who knows? It's tedious to read about other people's dreams, so thanks for bearing with me. I also think it's funny that right before I went to sleep last night, there was a commercial for some Disney Princesses on Ice show, and they were singing the song "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" from Cinderella. On the one hand, it is one of my fondest wishes that I am lucky enough to have children some day. But on the other hand, a dream about my parents fighting is certainly not something for which I wish.

Any amateur psychoanalysts looking for an analysand are free to apply within.

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