
The Meanings of "Beagan"

I got to messing around on Google tonight and searched my last name, Beagan. It turned up a bunch of Irish (Gaelic) websites with the word "Beagan" in them. I had to find out what it means once and for all.

A Irish man with frightful dental hygiene (Austin Powers looks like a GOD compared to my memories of this man) on an Aer Lingus flight to Dublin once told me that it means "little", but according to the English/Irish Dictionary, here are the many meanings of "Beagan":


beagán = adv rather
beagán = adv slightly

beagán = a little;
(small amount): beagán + gen = a spot of;
beagán, roinnt = a few;
i mbeagán focal = in a few words;
n: i mbeagán focal = in a nutshell;
is buí le bocht an beagán = beggars can't be choosers;
athrú sna praghsanna sa dóigh chéanna agus ..., ar a shon go dtiocfadh dó a bheith beagán níos fairsinge = price fluctuation no different in kind, although possibly a little greater in degree than ...;
i slí go dtiocfadh de an t-urlámhas ar earraí riachtanacha a bheith ina lámha féin ag beagán daoine chun dochair don phobal = as to result in the concentration of the control of essential commodities in a few individuals to the common detriment;

God, I love the internet. I'm an adverb!

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