
Miss Girl on Skype

I have a lovely and somewhat bewildering relationship with Amanda via Skype. She is Amity's niece, age 2.5, and she is juuuuust starting to understand how I can BE there without actually BEING there. It's so much fun watching her grow and develop vicariously, thanks to Skype. She gives me kisses (sometimes big wet ones right on the computer screen, much to Auntie Amity's dismay), but my favorite is when she signs "I love you".

I really do feel like part of the family, which has a little to do with technology and ALOT to do with the big warmness in all the members of the family on South Brewer Drive. They make me feel like I belong. And I really miss feeling like I belong in Maine. When you DO feel like you belong there, there really is nothing better, my friend.

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