
Contest! Fun with Photos II. ENTER NOW!

The first "Fun with Photos" challenge was issued over the weekend. Congrats to Amity and Chrystal for playing. Amity correctly identified the iron as the common element in the three pictures, while Chrystal correctly identified natural light as a common design element.

Their prize is a guest editorial spot on "icon" wherein they can take over my blog for one posting each, the content of which is totally up to them.

So, the next contest is based on the posting "Grandma and Billy Idol" from 1.31.07. Please read the post and comment either to this posting or that one which pop icon we should find for my mother to pose with for her contribution to the new family tradition I'm starting.

The prize for this contest will be if you create a composite photograph of my mother with a famous person, I will post it to "icon" and credit you for your work. Also, if you have any pictures of friends or family or yourselves with famous people or persons, send them along and I will post them to your credit on "icon" as well.

I look forward to your suggestions. Have fun!

1 comment:

Chrystal Wakeham said...

So I think a bush, dick, and colin picture would be fun and unfortuantely they really could be considered pop type icons....but if you want REAL pop icons, *insert weird icon here* formerly known as Prince.....