
What do YOU need?

Amity tagged Kyle, so now I'm picking up the tag.

Go to Google and type your first name, followed by the verb "needs". Put it all in quotes. For example, my Google search was "Jessica needs", and post the top ten. Mine are:

1. "Jessica needs to rethink her position on doing adult films" (does this mean I need to START doing them?)
2. "Jessica needs to spend a lot of time kissing Helen" (from the same site as number 1. I'm game if Helen is)
3. "Jessica Needs Coffee" (yes. yes I do. If you're going to Starbucks, a Grande Nonfat Caramel Macchiato with one Splenda, please)
4. "Jessica needs fake titties" (this was from another Jessica's blog who did the same Google game, ironically enough. In this case, this Jessica is perfectly happy with her real titties, thank you very much.)
5. "Jessica Needs Your Help" (it is true we get by with a little help from our friends. This one is repeated a few times, btw)
6. "Jessica needs a bit of time off by herself to process things" (Actually, I have. It's been great.)
7. "Jessica needs an adoptive family that is very structured" (True dat. I do actually have one, on South Brewer Drive in Brewer, Maine. Shout out!)
8. "Jessica needs a rumor boyfriend" (criminy. I have enough problems)
9. "Jessica Needs To Stop Dressing Like A Slut. Or not" (To everything there is a season, including dressing like a slut.)
10. "Jessica needs a new prescription" (AMEN.)

If you do this activity, leave me a comment so I can link to yours!

1 comment:

Chrystal Wakeham said...

Ok, I fell prey to the google game..fuck....;)